A Canadian Publication


Letters From Bill – Oct. 3, 1944

Dear Mum, Dad, Sis, Commando Jack,

Here I am again, but can’t promise you how long I will be able to write because in a short while I am going to the operating room. The M.O. (Medical Officer) is taking out the small tube and putting in a bigger one. Whatever the reason is I don’t know, they just took a big tube out the other day and put a small one in. Now they are reversing it again. They also discovered I have a piece of shrapnel in the calf of my right leg. It isn’t very serious so do not worry about that. What I am mad at is the fact that we had steak, onions and mashed potatoes for dinner and because I am going to the operating room, I can’t have anything to eat. Just so I wouldn’t miss out I got the Sister to put mine away until this evening. Really had a swell surprise yesterday when Howard came in to see me, boy it sure was good to see someone from home, especially him. He sure looks swell in his P/O uniform and hasn’t changed one bit. It is about two years since I last saw him. It was sure a swell surprise to see him. He was just finishing up his leave and came down to say a few words. He brought all kinds of candy, peanuts, etc, so I haven’t lots of sweets as they call them over here…. We talked about pretty much everything from our little trips at home and our doings over here, really thrashed over the dirt. Received Dad’s and Bette’s letters the other day…it was good to hear from Dad. I understand that he is too busy to write often. You can bet Dad when I sail for Canada. I will let you know so you will be there and don’t forget you said you were going to bring a certain nurse with you…. In another fifteen minutes I will be getting a hypo so I had better speed up…. There has been no more word about me going to France or anywhere else but I imagine this operation will put me back a little while. They must be foolish if they think I am going back to France to fight. I am depending on Maj. Thomson to give me a break….

Six hundred cigs arrived which you sent in June and July. I gave 300 to the Doc who looks after me. Howard wouldn’t take the others.

Well folks, I guess this is about all for now but will try to write soon.

Please write as often as possible. Give my best to everyone and all the best in the world to the swellest folks, sister and brother going.

Lots of love, Bill


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