A Canadian Publication


Letters From Bill – Monday, June 19, 1944

Dear Mom, Dad, Sis and Commando Jack,

I am doing fine and please don’t worry about me because I will be OK. Yesterday was really a swell day and for a change we had the day off and I sure made the most of it. I did the big washing in the morning, then cleaned my tam and glen with gas and finished up some odds and ends. In the afternoon I had a swell sleep and really enjoyed that….

Yesterday evening there was a show on but I didn’t go. Instead I went for a walk over the hills and valleys and through the woods. I just put on my shorts and sneakers and was all alone. I really enjoyed the walk and was away for about two hours. It was so darn quiet and peaceful that it was hard to believe there was a war on so close. However, it doesn’t take long to come back to reality. Jones and Aubery are out again but I still stay in as much as ever, because there is no place to go. Aubery and Jones like their beer so that is why they go out so much….

Our fellows sure are doing OK over in France. Jerry is quite worried now and will be for some time to come…. Somehow I don’t think it will be so long until this affair is all over. I sure hope I am right. The day I get back in good old Canada will be the happiest of my life. I can’t picture it but I often think about it. There is a lot of talk about these new planes the Jerries have out but they are not what they are supposed to be. If that is the best he can produce he might as well give up. I have seen a few of them folks.

Some of us are beginning to get our hair back again even after a week, pretty soon we will need another trim.

It is getting pretty dark folks so if this letter is a little messy please don’t blame me. Well I guess this is all for now so will be closing down. Keep the letters coming and the cigs and parcels as often as possible. Those parcels mean a lot but the letters more. Give my very best regards to everyone and I hope I see you all soon. Tell Jack he better do real well in his exams and I hope everyone is swell.

All the best to the best folks a soldier ever had.

Lots of Love to Everyone,



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