John Rhodes of Fonthill, Ont. tells us that early in the Sicilian campaign, the West Nova Scotia Regt. was to attack a village during the night. One company was to move behind the village after dark and fire two white flares when in position. “My company was to attack as soon as the flares were seen.
“We got into position in good time and I posted two look-outs with orders to let me know as soon as they saw two white flares go up behind the village. I received no word, so two hours later crawled up to the look-outs and asked if they were sure that two flares had not gone up. They assured me they had not seen any flares going up but one added as an afterthought that they had seen two coming down about an hour earlier.
“That is how I learned how specific instructions had to be. Fortunately, no one seemed to realize how late we were with our attack, which we carried out without incident.”