
On This Date: October 2015



1 OCTOBER 1944
Battle of the Scheldt begins; the First Canadian Army has a hard slog to open the port of Antwerp.

Web Oct 1

Buffalo amphibious vehicles taking troops across the Scheldt. [Public Archives of Canada]

2 OCTOBER 2001
The U.S. anti-terrorism campaign is boosted by NATO’s affirmation that an attack on one member is an attack on all.

Web Oct 2


3 OCTOBER 1914
The first contingent of 30,000 in the Canadian Expeditionary Force sails from Quebec to join war efforts in Europe.

4 OCTOBER 2002
Queen Elizabeth II starts her Golden Jubilee tour of Canada.

Web Oct 4

Queen Elizabeth II

5 OCTOBER 1786
Prince William, later King William IV, is the first member of the royal family to visit Canada.

Web Oct 5

King William IV in dress uniform painted by Sir Martin Archer Shee, c.1800 [The National Portrait Gallery History of the Kings and Queens of England by David Williamson, ISBN 1855142287.]

6 OCTOBER 1818
The War of 1812 peace treaty returns Fort Astoria on the Columbia River to the United States.

Web Oct 6

U.S. Senate approves the Treaty of Ghent. The War of 1812 comes to an end. [LAC]

7 OCTOBER 1950
The United Nations recommends “all appropriate steps be taken to ensure conditions of stability throughout Korea.”

Web Oct 7

Escott Reid, Alternate representative of the Dept. of External Affairs and Chairman of the United Nations Commitee on Procedures and Oraganization. [LAC]

8 OCTOBER 1950
The Chinese People’s Volunteers to Aid Korea is formed under orders of Mao Zedong.

Web Oct 8

Mao Zedong.

9 OCTOBER 1874
After a harrowing three-month march, the Northwest Mounted Police reach Fort Whoop-Up (in present-day Alberta) only to find the whisky traders have fled.

10 OCTOBER 1970
The Quebec government refuses to free Front de Libération de Quebec prisoners; Labour Minister Pierre Laporte is kidnapped.

11 OCTOBER 1944
The 1st Canadian Infantry Division returns to the Gothic Line in Italy.

12 OCTOBER 1492
Christopher Columbus lands in the New World.

Web Oct 12

Portrait of a Man, said to be Christopher Columbus. [Sebastiano del Piombo – Metropolitan Museum of Art, online collection]

13 OCTOBER 1998
NATO orders air strikes to drive Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic from Kosovo.

14 OCTOBER 1940
HMCS Skeena rescues 220 survivors of HMS Cheshire, torpedoed in the North Atlantic.

15 OCTOBER 1951
Royal Canadian Air Force Ground Observer Corps is formed and attracts 50,000 civilians.

Web Oct 15

A Ground Observer Corps post in rural Canada. [PHOTO: CANADIAN FORCES MUSEUM OF AEROSPACE DEFENCE—PC455]

16-20 OCTOBER 1869
The new Comité National des Métis forms to discuss rights with Ottawa and elects Louis Riel as secretary.

Web Oct 16

Louis Riel (1844-1885) was the Métis spokesman, founder of Manitoba, teacher, and leader of the North-West Resistance. [LAC]

17 OCTOBER 1970
Quebec Labour Minister Pierre Laporte is murdered by the FLQ.

Web Oct 17

Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ) at Pierre Laporte funeral. [Credit: Frank Prazak / Library and Archives Canada / PA-206661]

18 OCTOBER 1929
Women are declared persons before the law in Canada, and can vote, own property and serve as judges.

19 OCTOBER 1864
Confederate fugitives hiding in Montreal cross the border to rob banks and torch St. Albans, Vermont. It is the northernmost stretch of the American Civil War.

The First Battle of Ypres.

20 OCTOBER 1818
The U.S. and Britain agree on boundaries from Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains.

21 OCTOBER 1940
Nine days after S.S. Saint Malo is torpedoed, 16 survivors, mostly Canadian, leave their lifeboat to join that of a different downed ship. All are rescued the next day.

22 OCTOBER 1692
With little help, 14-year-old Madeleine de Verchères defends her home east of Montreal against Iroquois siege for eight days.

23 OCTOBER 1952
Eighteen Canadians are killed, 35 wounded, 14 taken prisoner as Chinese troops attack Hill 355 in Korea.

24 OCTOBER 1971
United Nations Day is declared.

25 OCTOBER 1973
A United Nations Emergency Force is established to supervise the Egypt-Israel ceasefire after the Yom Kippur War. Canada sends 1,145 peacekeepers.

26 OCTOBER 1917
Three Canadians are awarded the Victoria Cross for heroic action on the first day of the 2nd Battle of Passchendaele.

Web Oct 26

Battle of Passchendaele, men carrying a wounded soldier through the mud. [Legion Magazines Archives]

27 OCTOBER 1918
Billy Barker takes on swarms of enemy planes, bringing down several despite severe wounds, before a crash landing.

28 OCTOBER 1790
On present-day Vancouver Island, Spain signs an agreement with Britain to end its Pacific Northwest monopoly.

29 OCTOBER 1942
The Canadian Intelligence Corps is authorized.

30 OCTOBER 2009
A landmine kills Steven Marshall while on foot patrol in Panjwaii district southwest of Kandahar, Afghanistan.

31 OCTOBER 1995
Premier Jacques Parizeau resigns after a narrow loss in the Quebec sovereignty referendum.


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