David Bowen-Colthurst tells this fishing story about Terrace, B.C., site of a big army training camp during the Second World War.
In those days the fishing was unbelievable. One sergeant brought huge catches of trout into camp after every trip. One day his captain, an ardent fisherman, asked if he could go along.
“Glad to have company, sir,” the sergeant said.
They set out on to a nearby lake, but before long, the sergeant stopped the boat.
“This is a good place,” he said, took a hand grenade from his pocket, pulled the pin and tossed it into the lake. The explosion brought many dead fish to the surface.
The captain exploded too. He dressed down the sergeant for stealing grenades, using them to kill fish and for being a damn poor sportsman.
The sergeant took out another grenade, pulled the pin, handed it to the captain and said: “Well, sir, do you want to talk or fish?”