Find-Share-Discuss: Anne Marie Chiasson Photo
Kids will be kids
Anne Marie Chiasson of Rogersville, N.B., shares this happy photo taken while the family was stationed in Werl, West Germany, during the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Chiasson tells us that with the arrival of new uniforms following unification of Canada’s military, “military personnel were disposing of the old uniforms by throwing them in the garbage,” where they were retrieved by neighbourhood kids. Two of the youngsters—Denis (left) and Mario (right)—are hers. Chiasson, who is the wife of retired Sergeant Jean Marc Chiasson, remembers the uniformed kids standing and saluting on her balcony while local residents snapped pictures.
We thank Anne Marie for submitting this photo to Find-Share-Discuss, and invite other readers to share similar memories of wartime or peacetime service.