
Did You Know Service Officers Can Help You?

What Benefits Will Survivors Receive?

Question: I am a veteran receiving a Canadian Forces Superannuation (CFSA) pension and I also receive a disability pension from Veterans Affairs Canada. What will my spouse be entitled to after my death?

Response: In regards to the disability pension from Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), when a disability pensioner dies, the survivor may receive for a period of one year, the same disability pension and/or Prisoner of War (PoW) compensation amount. The survivor will also continue to receive for only one year Attendance Allowance and Exceptional Incapacity Allowance if these allowances were being paid to the pensioner at the time of death.

After one year, a survivor’s disability pension will then be paid. The remaining allowances will cease.

  • If a pensioner was receiving a disability pension paid at a rate of 48 per cent or greater, the survivor is entitled to a full survivor’s disability pension (which is equal to three-quarters of the basic pension paid to a single pensioner at the 100 per cent rate—$1,944.99 per month).
  • If a pensioner was receiving a disability pension paid between the five- and 47-per-cent rate, the survivor is entitled to a survivor’s pension which is equal to one-half the disability pension in payment at the time of the pensioner’s death.


Surviving spouses or common-law partners who remarry will continue to receive survivor benefits.

If you are in receipt of a disability pension from VAC, you may also be in receipt of the Veterans Independence Program (VIP). As of Jan. 1, 2013, semi-annual grants are provided for grounds keeping (GK) and housekeeping (HK) services offered under the VIP. Any new clients (veterans, primary caregivers or surviving spouses) applying for GK and HK under VIP will automatically be placed in the Grant Program. Once eligibility is determined, then the Grant Determination Tool is applied and this tool calculates the grant that the client will receive. If an eligible recipient passes away after receiving a grant, there is no requirement for the estate to repay any part of the grant. However, the spouse of the veteran recipient in cases such as this must now reapply and is considered a new applicant and will be processed as per the Grant Determination Tool. Benefits will be granted if there is a health-related need.

In regards to your CF pension, Part 1 of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (CFSA) provides that upon the death of an annuitant, the conjugal survivor is normally entitled to receive an annual allowance equal to one-half of the annuitant’s original pension plus cost-of-living increases, provided the marriage occurred prior to the annuitant’s 60th birthday. This annual allowance is payable on a monthly basis for life and is subject to cost-of-living adjustments.

For general survivor benefit questions, pensioners can contact the Canadian Forces by e-mail at and they will respond to specific questions.

The Service Bureau Would Like To Hear From You

Do you have a question regarding disability benefits and services from VAC? Send them to Serving You at

Serving You is written by Legion command service officers. To reach a service officer call toll-free 1-877-534-4666, or consult a command website. For years of archives, visit


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