
Benefits available to Allied veterans

SERVING YOU is written by Legion command service officers. To reach a service officer, call toll-free 1-877-534-4666, or consult a command website. For years of archives, visit

Allied veterans from the United Kingdom and their families and survivors who are in financial need can approach Royal Canadian Legion branches or provincial commands to obtain assistance from poppy funds, but did you know they can also obtain assistance from benevolent funds back in the U.K.?

These funds can help families, defined as a current spouse and dependent children, with food, clothing, prescription medications, prescribed medical devices or emergency repairs. Allied veterans, or their survivors, who are having significant trouble making ends meet may also be eligible for a Regular Charitable Payment (RCP) or Regular Financial Assistance (RFA) award. These awards are given out by the Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League (RCEL) and the Royal Air Force (RAF) and are distributed on their behalf by the Dominion Command Service Bureau on a quarterly basis. If there has been no change to the veteran’s or survivor’s financial situation, these awards can also be renewed on an annual basis.

In 2010, Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) made changes to the War Veterans Allowance Act. Low-income Allied veterans now living in Canada may qualify for a war veterans allowance and its related services and benefits, which include the following: Assistance Fund; Funeral and Burial Program; treatment benefits; Veterans Independence Program; and long-term care.

To qualify, you must:

Have served with one of the Allied forces during the Second World War or the Korean War; and

Have lived in Canada for at least 10 years or lived in Canada prior to enlisting.

To find out if you qualify for any of the Allied veterans services and benefits, please contact VAC toll-free at 1-866-522-2122.

If you have any questions regarding the RCEL or RAF benevolent funds in the U.K. or the RCP and RFA awards you may qualify for, contact the North American representative for Allied veterans, Gary Foster, at Dominion Command toll-free at 1-877-534-4666 or at


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