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Canadian Military History Trivia Challenge

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Letters From Bill – Friday, Feb. 25, 1944

Dear Mum, Dad, Sis and Jack the Commando:

Well we certainly have been having some fun all this week and they were all in the shape of air raids. So far we have had six raids in five nights and Jerry was over yesterday morning but he wasn’t long taking for home when a couple of Spits went after them. They usually come over between 11 and two and stay a half hour or more sometimes much more.  No doubt you have seen in the papers about the raids. Well, they were not small ones. You see we are right between London and the coast and there sure is a lot of banging around us.  Last night they brought down nine and we counted four of them. Boy it really gives a fellow a thrill when you see one getting hit and coming down in flames.

You wouldn’t believe so many shells could be put up in the sky at once. It is just a mass of bursting shells, especially over London. We can see the sky over London and it really is lit up. I don’t see how they don’t get hit. I wish you could see it yourself—about the nicest Halloween display I ever saw. Let me tell you that when those bombs drop they really make some noise and usually if they are close they deafen you for a few minutes. I can see now in a mild way what these people went through over here and it sure wasn’t a picnic. Tonight is a perfect night for them to be over, but so far they haven’t come but probably will after we are all in bed. When everything is going it is impossible to sleep so we go out and watch it all and it is better than a movie.

Boy I believe I am the busiest fellow in the regiment and will be for awhile; they really have me jumping. I am clerking in the orderly room and taking a signal course right now and today I find I have to go to the Battalion Orderly Room on March 8 for one month to clerk.  That is where we send all our work and that is where we get our orders from. Then I will be working in the same building as the colonel an adjutant, in fact they will be my bosses. Can’t see why they are picking on me but they evidently think two jobs is not enough at once.  However, I will learn a lot at the B.O.R. and it will be interesting.

Today I was talking to Sgt.-Maj. Merry and it was sure good to see him again. He is getting around on two crutches and is just as happy as he ever was. He is going to spend a few days in camp with us and give us all the dope. He says he wishes he were back with us but I guess he will be going home soon. It’s all over for him.

… I sure got a kick out of you saying Sis was a far worse smoker than I am. I could have told you that but you wouldn’t have believed me. Anyway I don’t mind a girl smoking as long as they don’t smoke on the street like they do over here. Have you started yet Mum?  Boy I can hear the gasps coming out of you now!

The best to the swellest folks a fellow ever had.

Lots of Love to All,



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