1 September 1942
HMCS Morden sinks U-756 southwest of Ireland.
2 September 1918
The Canadian Corps hammers the Hindenburg Line.
3 September 1943
Canadian and British forces land on mainland Italy.
4 September 2013
Jules Paivio dies, last Mackenzie- Papineau Batallion veteran, who defied federal laws to fight fascism in the Spanish Civil War.
5 September 1945
Igor Gouzenko tries to disclose the existence of a Soviet spy ring in Canada to the Ottawa Journal.
6 September 1953
The last of 13,444 United Nations prisoners of war are released to the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission in Korea.
7 September 1985
Canada declines joining the U.S. Star Wars missile defence system.
8 September 1978
L’Anse aux Meadows, the remains of a 1,000-year old Norse colony in Newfoundland, is listed as a World Heritage site.
9 September 1916
Canada’s 2nd Battalion captures a half-kilometre section of German trench at Pozières Ridge.
10 September 1939
Canada declares war on Germany.
11 September 1814
The British begin a land and sea assault on Plattsburg, N.Y.
7-13 September 1942
Three Royal Canadian Navy ships are sunk by U-boats in one disastrous week.

A Canadian CF-18A Hornet from the 409th Squadron at Cold Lake, Alberta (Canada), launches a laser-guided bomb at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida (USA), on 5 December 2006. [U.S. Air Force photo by Lt. Col. Tim Pfeifer]
14 September 1990
Canadian and allied ships are provided air cover by Canadian CF-18s during the Gulf War.
15-16 September 1942
Four freighters are sunk by U-boats in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
17 September 1878
John A. Macdonald wins Canada’s fourth general election and serves 13 more years.
18 September 2006
A suicide bomber kills four Canadian soldiers on foot patrol in Afghanistan.
19 September 1939
The first WW II naval construction plan is approved in principle.

Infantrymen of the West Nova Scotia Regiment riding on a Sherman tank of the Calgary Regiment during the advance from Villapiano to Potenza, Italy, 18 September 1943. [LAC PA-177155]
20 September 1943
Canadians capture Potenza, Italy.
21 September 1944
Rimini, Italy, is captured by Canadian and Greek forces.
22 September 1915
The Newfoundland Regiment’s first war fatality is Pte. Hugh McWhirter, in Gallipoli.
23 September 1958
The Royal Canadian Air Force is to be equipped with Bomarc ground-to-air missiles.
24 September 1950
Canadian Military Mission personnel are the first to arrive in Tokyo, bound for the Korean War.
25 September 1940
A German merchant ship attempting to break through to Mexico is captured by HMCS Prince Robert.
26 September 1950
Seoul is recaptured by United Nations forces.

Canadian Combat Engineers building a bridge across the Canal du Nord, September 1918. [DND-LAC PA-003456]
27 September 1918
Canadian forces attack across the Canal du Nord west of Cambrai.
28 September 1813
HMS Wolfe narrowly escapes destruction during a duel with USS General Pike.
29-30 September 1939
Squadron leader W.I. Clements is the first RCAF member to fly over enemy territory during a night reconnaissance trip into Germany.