In this letter, “that dear beloved wife of mine, or was to be,” refers to his girlfriend.
Dear Mother and Family,
Just a few lines to let you know I am in the best of health which I hope these few lines find you all the same.
Well there we are all back with the battalion again as we were called in. So our good jobs are finished. As the old saying goes, why worry over trifles? The war still goes on but we still win. Probably Old Fritz will get sick of it in the near future and then home. I would like to be there now but duty calls.
Gee it’s one bright spot in our lives out here to get letters from home. How did you like the picture of the Somme–quite interesting but rather tame to what it has been lately.
Say, before I forget, I must tell you the latest joke. That dear beloved wife of mine, or was to be, skinnied off and got hooked up the other day. He sure is welcome to her but I wish I had that 110 beans again but that’s what you get for joining the army.
Your loving son,