A Canadian Publication


Letters From Bill – Sept. 23, 1944

Dear Mum, Dad, Sis and Jack the Commando,

…Before I went to France I sent all my snaps and a few odds and ends to Alison to keep for me. I have a good notion to write and ask her to send them back to me now. She wrote to me some time ago and I’ve never answered, guess I should have been polite but I just couldn’t be bothered. You told me she sent you snaps of the family…I guess you know she was just company for a lonely soldier!

You can probably see that this writing is not so good, but please blame it on the pen.  You see Johnny was down to see me last evening and he brought this pen to me. He said it was an extra one he had and I find it a bit strange to write with.  He sure is a swell fellow and I thought it was darn nice of him to bring it to me. He comes to see me every week and I certainly am glad to see him as he is the only visitor I have. Today he is in London and he is going to try and get me shoulder badges, divisional patches, spam medal, service chevrons, wound stripe, glen and badge. You see if I do happen to get home I don’t want to look like a zombie. I have a new Glengarry, balmoral and a swell badge in France and I was sure sorry to leave them there. I spent a lot of time working on the badge and the others cost me one pound ten shillings. Guess I will have to do without if Johnny can’t get them.

No Mum, I don’t need any money. I have $86 in my pay book and five pounds in my wallet so you see I am OK. I can only spend the stuff for stamps, there is nothing else to buy. No more news of the big trip as we won’t say any more about it until I have more word.

Today I had an X-ray to see if there is any more fluid in my chest and if it is negative I think the tube will be coming out, my fingers are crossed.  The last time there was some fluid left so that is why the tube stayed in. I am getting better every day and will soon be getting around like before.  I sure hope I am home by Xmas if I am going home, have a lot to do….

By this time I expect the village has become quiet again after all those weddings. How did they come off? Grandma said she thought I would be getting married when I get home, that made me laugh. There’s got to be a lot more than $86 in my pay book before I get that idea. By the way, tell Dad to rest up for an evening and drop his son a note. I remember I said I would take him on when I got home, but if they send me like this I guess he will still be able to put the leathers to me….

Give my best to the swellest folks a fellow ever had. Hope to be seeing you all soon.

Lots of Love to Everyone, Bill


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