A Canadian Publication


Letters From Bill – Sept. 11, 1943.

Dear Mum, Dad and Jack:

…I wrote you a couple of times when on the scheme and just got the last letter safely away when they enforced a command about letter writing. We were not allowed to write any letters and were not allowed to receive any. It was sure a long eight days with no mail at all.…

Remember, I told you how we all thought it was the real thing? Well they had us all guessing up until today when we got back to camp. As I said before we wore our good uniforms, had to or supposed to leave all our personal belongings behind, couldn’t write letters and everything was done on the sly. We even had assault landings from invasion barges on the Channel for two days so naturally we thought that was it. Yesterday they marched us right to the docks but instead of getting on boats we got on the train and we got in our old camp today or early this morning.…all the people we passed on the way to the docks wished us luck and told us to do a good job. We thought it was the big show too but we were wrong too. Even our officers didn’t know what was going on…. It was carried out just as it would be if it were the real thing so that is why we were not allowed to write, etc.

Since I last wrote to you I have had a very exciting time, I was in three air raids and everyone was a duster. You see the whole Second Division was concentrated around the same area and Jerry knew it so he was trying to scare but he lost out. I saw two of them bite the dust and we all had the fun at shooting at them with every weapon we had…. However, it is all over and we are back safe and sound so in case you are wondering everything is O.K….

Remember I told you I was put in the company orderly room, well I am there and I like it swell. I don’t walk in the route marches any more. I ride a bicycle and it sure is good to come back from a scheme with no blisters on your feet. I take messages from the O.C. (Officer Commanding) to the other officers on route marches.… In the orderly room I am learning to do the work of a clerk from the chief clerk and it is rather interesting. I do typing (ahem) it isn’t perfect, but I get by, make out crimes against the boys, make roll calls, passes, etc. I go there at eight in the morning and finish at five so it isn’t bad. It is sure good to be sitting in the tent and watching the boys go by and me not having to go.  I can feel the difference in my feet just watching them….

The orderly room is where the officers are and now I take my orders from the Major himself, getting to be quite the big shot. The Major is a cross-looking fellow but really swell when you get to know him…. When we got home early today they gave some a weekend and the rest go next week because we were confined to camp during that two weeks. Most of them went but not Bill I don’t care if I go or not except when I get a big leave. I had a shower, a haircut and did my washing which was plenty big after two weeks….

Two days after we went on that scheme your parcel arrived and they wouldn’t take it too me. They left it here with the rear party and they handed it to me today. Thanks a million for everything Mum and I do hope this reaches you O.K. The writing paper is swell and I sure appreciate it. The only thing that is wrong is that the little mirror was cracked and it was swell “Ma”.  It was perfect and I sure was sorry but guess they handle those parcels rough. If you can try and get one the same and send it will you please, it was perfect. Keep the boxes and cigs coming Mum, and Bill will be as happy as he can be over here….

I suppose if everything goes as planned Bette will be home on her vacation now or pretty soon. I sure envy her and I guess she know how lucky she is. Jack will be back in school pretty soon. Monday will be his birthday and he will be ten years old. I sure bet he grew since I last saw him. Tell him to do as good this year as last….

We were on a march when we got the news of Italy being knocked out (the Italian surrender). It sure was good to hear that. We were quite happy on that march, but I was riding the bike. It is good to hear that they are giving up one by one. It makes it sound like it won’t be so long until it is all over. Just you wait until we go rat hunting then there will be news. If we keep going like we are it won’t be long until it is all over and we will be back in good old Canada.  Boy, I can hardly wait until that day comes. It will be the best ever.

How is Grampa Fraser? I hope he and Grampa & Grandma Cameron are all in the best of health. Give them my very best regards and tell them I will take Hitler’s moustache home with me for them. It sure is a great sight to see a Jerry coming down to the ground with smoke pouring out of him, it sort of gives you that superior feeling. In a way I wish you could see it but I am just as glad you can’t. There is no doubt now that we are ahead of him and we will finish the job smartly.

Tell Dad and Jack to get their pens going and drop me some more letters. One every three months from each is not enough for me. You can tell them that. Tell Dad he better brush up on his scraping because we do unarmed combat and I am a regular Commando now. I won’t say anything to Jack he may be big enough to tie me in knots when I get home. By the way, tell Dad to look me up a Commando dagger or if he can’t do that a good sharp hunting knife. I am not fooling we wear them as concealed weapons and believe me they are handy.

Pretty soon we move into billets I hope. I wonder what it is like to live in a house. If anyone ever says anything to me about going camping in a tent after this is over I will hit them.  It is impossible to keep anything clean and when it rains everything gets damp. I sure hope we go to the billets for the winter soon….

Send some pictures and the best of everything in the world to all of you. Say hello to everyone and give me the news.

Lots of Love to all,



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