A Canadian Publication


Letters From Bill – Oct. 27, 1943.

Dear Mum, Dad & Jack:

…Starting Monday we can have fires in the huts so send anything at all. I guess Jones and I can cook like the blacksmiths in this Army. It just couldn’t be any worse that’s a sure thing. So send lots of eats and smokes Mum and if there is an old pipe of mine laying around send it along….

Tomorrow there is a battalion parade so it looks like a lot of haircuts. Mine is quite short but the Colonel is bald and I guess he doesn’t like anyone else to have hair either.  There can’t be any more than two and one half inches on top so there will be plenty of bawling….

There are three fellows from this Coy who are going back to Canada next week, the lucky dogs. Do we ever envy those fellows. There is something wrong with all of them so I guess it will be all over for them. Boy, what I would give to be going back to good old Canada.

What luck did Dad have deer hunting? I can guess, but he might surprise me and get one.  But if he does and starts telling me how good deer steak is I am going to raise the devil.  Just the same, I hope he got one but let it go at just telling me that.

Oh yes, about that hair tonic. I arrived O.K. and I am using it right along….  Have you got my ring fixed yet? If you have will you send it along….  Be sure to write often and don’t forget the eats and cigs.

Lots of Love,



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