Stanley Knight of Bobcaygeon, Ont. writes:
I was serving in the corvette HMCS Orillia during the Second World War when we found ourselves the first convoy escort group based at St. John’s. We received a warm, wonderful welcome into homes and clubs.
We were already aware, of course, of Newfoundlanders’ great reputation in seamanship. We soon discovered their reputation for serious drinking was of equal calibre.
One day a group of us heading ashore passed a small Newfoundland fishing boat tied up just astern. A fisherman standing beside the boat amid a pile of cartons hailed his mates:
“Hello, aboard, how about a hand with these supplies?”
“And what supplies would those be, my son?”
“Well now, I’ve got us a case of rum, a case of gin, three cases of beer, six bottles of wine and two loaves of bread.”
“Good Lord, boy, and what d’you think we’ll be doin’ with all that food?”