NEW! Canadian Military History Trivia Challenge

Canadian Military History Trivia Challenge

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Canadian Military History Trivia Challenge

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These Are The Results For The Week Of January 21 – January 27

A second contingent of Canadian troops is bound for South Africa and the Boer War.

A Royal Canadian Air Force plane is forced to do an emergency landing on the ice of Hudson Bay. All 12 on board survive and are later recued.

The Canadian Tribal-class destroyer HMCS Huron sails for her first of two tours in the United Nations Korean war operations.

Dr. Roberta Bondar becomes Canada’s first female astronaut in orbit and the world’s first neurologist in space.

Flight Lieutenant E.A. Glover is awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his actions during the Korean War. During his time in Korea, he saw frequent air combat, shooting down three MiG-15s and damaging two more.

Flight Lieutenant E.A. Glover is awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his actions during the Korean War. During his time in Korea, he saw frequent air combat and shot down three MiG-15s, and damaged three other planes.

A peace deal with Vietnam is announced by American President Richard Nixon on nationwide television.

Hugh Guthrie is appointed Minister of Militia and Defence..

A Soviet satellite, Cosmos 954, streaks across the sky and crashes near Great Slave Lake, N.W.T. Debris, including radioactive waste, is scattered across 124,000 square kilometres.

The Second Convention meets at Fort Garry to discuss the rights to be demanded from the Canadian government. Louis Riel becomes president of the Provisional government.

The first contingent of nurses to serve overseas has been in South Africa for three months when the Canadian government passes Militia Order No. 20, giving a nursing sister the rank and pay of a lieutenant.

The Canadian Red Ensign becomes the official flag to fly over Canadian government buildings in Canada and abroad.

The Lincoln and Welland Regiment takes the lead in Operation Elephant, an attack against a German bridgehead at Kapelsche Veer in the Netherlands. Launched under freezing conditions, the Canadians deploy in canoes on the Bergsche Maas, but are turned back with heavy losses.

The Honeymoon Bridge over the Niagara River collapses as a result of a severe ice storm. There are no fatalities or injuries.

The massive German concentration camp at Auschwitz is liberated by the Red Army. Situated in south-western Poland, the camp is considered to be the most notorious of the Nazi death camps.


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