A Canadian Publication


Travelling About: November/December 2013 Things To Do And See


1. Gone But Not Forgotten
If there was one time of the year to make a special effort to honour the sacrifice made by the more than 100,000 Canadians who have died fighting for this county, this is it. Veterans’ Week and Remembrance Day are nationwide events, so whether you choose to visit a local cenotaph in Trail, B.C., to read the inscription there –“They fought for peace with honour 1914-1918 1939-1945”–or brave the chill in downtown Ottawa to join tens of thousands at the national Remembrance Day ceremony, this is the time to remember.

Veterans’ Week
Nov. 5-11, 2013
Across Canada

[Photo: Veterans Affairs Canada]

2. Reconsider History At The War Museum
A new exhibition at the Canadian War Museum will be showing through November and December this year. Featuring photography from the legendary Ansel Adams and the acclaimed Canadian photographer Leonard Frank, Two Views is a photographic journey into the experience faced by citizens of Japanese ancestry who were forcefully relocated during the Second World War.

Until March 23, 2014
Canadian War Museum, Ottawa

[Photo: Leonard Frank, Canadian War Museum—JCNM 1994.69.4.16]

3. Experience Victorian Christmas At The Halifax Citadel
If you’ve ever wanted to know how Queen Victoria’s soldiers and their families would have celebrated Christmas inside a citadel, this is your chance. Father Christmas himself will be in the barracks, plus there will be songs and carols for the whole family.

Nov. 23-24, noon-4 p.m.
Halifax Citadel, Halifax

[Photo: Aaron McKenzie Fraser, Parks Canada]

4. The Festive Season As It Was In 1812
During the War of 1812, Fort George was a vital base of operations for British forces and local militia. Now you can travel here this December to experience life as they lived it back then, as Fort George is holding a special Garrison Christmas event. There will be crafts and games, plus hot beverages, treats and a musket demonstration.

Dec. 14, noon-4 p.m.
Fort George, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.

5. Witness An Epic Battle Re-enacted At Fort Niagara
Billed as a once-in-a-lifetime War of 1812 bicentennial event, this re-enactment of the British attack on Fort Niagara promises to be something special. The plan is to recreate the capture of the fort as closely as possible, in real time as it happened 200 years ago, including an early morning boat landing and the battle itself. A brief memorial ceremony will conclude the event. Canadians will have to cross the river to the American side, but the trip should be well worth it.

Dec. 19
Fort Niagara, Youngstown, N.Y.


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