
These Are The Results For The Week Of June 11 – June 17

In the South African War, the Canadian Mounted troops advance against Boers occupying Diamond Hill which stands between Pretoria and the Transvaal’s new capital at Machadodorp. The troops fail to take the hill, in part due to a shortage of horses.

An act of Parliament incorporates The Canadian General Council of the Boy Scout Association.

The Yukon Territory enters Confederation.

In the wake of devastating German attacks earlier in June, two improvised brigade groups counterattack Mount Sorrel and restore the lines to where they were on June 2. Approximately 8,000 Canadians are killed, wounded or captured from June 2-14.

The Germans capture Paris.

A ceasefire is announced in the Falkland Islands war.

Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship Iroquois relinquishes command of Task Force 151 and heads home. The multinational force had been stationed in the Arabian Gulf. Iroquois had been responsible for surveillance and inspection of foreign vessels. HMCS Fredericton remains with the force.

His Majesty’s Canadian Ship Waskesiu is commissioned into the Royal Canadian Navy.

Canadian responsibilities with the United Nations peacekeeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) are formally terminated.

A severe tornado leaves a path of destruction in Windsor, Ont.

Russian principal dancer Rudolf Nureyev seeks asylum after breaking free from Russian embassy guards at a Paris airport.


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