A Canadian Publication


Portraits of Honour Tour

Residents of the Maritimes and Quebec can still catch the travelling memorial Portraits of Honour, a 10-foot by 40-foot mural of the 156 Canadian Forces troops who lost their lives in Afghanistan since 2002. The cross-country tour is scheduled to wind down in Manitoba in December, and by then about a hundred communities, many hometowns of fallen troops, will have been visited.

Thousands of Canadians coast-to-coast have already had an opportunity to view the mural, accompanied sometimes by the Seventh Book of Remembrance, in which is written names of all Canadian Forces who have died in service since 2000. Cambridge, Ont. artist Dave Sopha based  the portraits mostly on military-issues photos. The project, a joint initiative of  Sopha, Kin Canada and the Kin Canada Foundation,  hopes to raise upwards of a million dollars to support injured troops and the Military Families Fund.

The tour will come to Ottawa for Remembrance Day, then Petawawa, then bases in Quebec and a couple of stops in Ontario on its way west where it is scheduled to end at CFB Shilo in Brandon, Man., in December.

For dates and places where the tour will visit, check online at http://www.portraitsofhonour.ca/index.cfm?page=tour


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