A Canadian Publication


Letters From The Bowes Brothers – June 22, 1916 Camp Hughes, Manitoba

Dear Mother,

Your very welcome letter received yesterday and as usual found me enjoying excellent health. My cold is all better now as I was very careful of myself. Fred is fine and seems to be having some time.

Say Musie, you don’t know what a blessing it is that Manitoba voted dry. Haven’t seen a drunk man in camp yet and that is fine considering there is 26,000 men here.

The 101st are leaving for the old country tomorrow. I understand that 50 of the 222nd are going with them as some of the 101st are in the hospital. I will not try to go as I would have to throw up my chances of promotion in 222nd.

We went on parade this morning in our overcoats and after our inspection were dismissed as it was raining up here.

Was out at the trenches yesterday making mats to keep them from caving in. The soil is awfully sandy and the trenches cave in on the slightest provocation. We weren’t worked awfully hard and taking it altogether we had a fairly good day.

Was out for night operation Tuesday from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Learned a lot and besides it was interesting. Colonel Lightfoot made a bunch of friends that night in our as well as the other battalions. On our return, good hot coffee and ham sandwiches were served to the whole bunch and the canteen was opened up besides. As far as I can gather we were the only battalion on the north side of the tracks to be treated that way. Believe me Mother, it sure is interesting work out at night.

Hope and I were downtown last night and seen a dandy picture show. One of the films Aloha Oe was a five-reel feature and a dandy. Aloha Oe in the language of the South Sea Islands is “Farewell to thee.”

Say Mother, address any mail to Pte. J.L. Bowes as my promotion hasn’t been posted yet although I have mounted my stripe. Hope to have another by July 1st.

Your loving son,


Fred sleeps at the extreme N.E. corner of the tent and I am the 3rd tent from the corner on the same side, so we are close together.


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