A Canadian Publication


Letters From The Bowes Brothers – Jan. 27, 1916 Bramshott Camp

Dearest Mother,

I missed writing to you on Sunday as I was in London town and as a result very busy seeing the town all day. I suppose by now that Jim and Fred will both have their uniforms now. You will sure have a small family next summer but you should be the proudest mother in Canada as all your boys who are fit and able have joined the Colours. I would like to see conscription there for there are a bunch who are either cold-footed or too damn lazy to face the music.

According to your letters you are certainly having a real old Manitoba winter this year. I cannot complain about the weather here lately only it is drizzling a little today. You don’t need to worry about me not writing as I write about twice a week only it just depends on the condition of the ocean.

I am glad you liked the pins I sent you for Xmas. I got a letter from Elliott and Ada and also little Evelyn’s.

Your loving son,



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