A Canadian Publication


Letters From The Bowes Brothers – Jan. 18, 1916 Bramshott Camp

Dearest Mother,

I thought I would drop you a few lines to let you know I am hale and hearty which I trust this will find you all. It is now 6:30 p.m. in Manitoba and three months ago today at this time we were at the Winnipeg station and on our way to England. My how time flies.

Jim [Taylor] had a letter last night from Robbie and it contained the joyful news that Jim [Bowes] had enlisted. Golly I was tickled as I want the Bowes to show them that they are not cold-footed like a whole lot of them. You need not worry about him standing it for with a new battalion he will have every opportunity to get thoroughly trained and hardened before he leaves Canada. It will not be as hard as Jim [Taylor] and I had it for we went with a bunch that was already trained. Still we held up our end and never said die and now we laugh about at it. Soldiering sure makes a man out him and he never will regret it after had got accustomed to the way of things. He will not like the way the grub is served for a start but will get used to it. The only thing he wants to do is to keep up his spirits. Mother, the day you saw me in uniform and told me you were proud of me still rings in my ears and certainly helped me a lot to know that my mother was as game as myself. When Jim leaves for England kiss him and laugh and tell him you are proud to see him go for, Mother dear, it certainly put a strain on me to see you all take it so bad. Believe me it was hard for me to leave you all for a country with no friends.

If I was him I would join the machine guns in the summer as he will not have guards and fatigues to do then. Although if he is looking for a promotion he wants to stay in the companies for once a machine gunner, you are there till the war is over. And with a new battalion he should stand an excellent chance of promotion. Well mother we were out for a route march this afternoon and I thoroughly enjoyed it

I got two letters from Gladys last night. She is quite well although lonesome, poor kid. I get lonesome at times myself and can sympathize with her.

Well I am out of news. Heartiest congratulations to Jim and tell him there is no one any prouder of what he done than I am.

As ever your loving son,



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