A Canadian Publication


Letters From Bill – Nov. 16, 1943.

Dear Mum, Dad, Bette and Jack:

Well folks here I am back in camp again after ten days leave. I really had a good leave and it was a swell change. Mum, how is everything now? I am worried about you and can’t seem to figure out what is wrong. You going to the hospital and all that really got me down. I worried all during my leave about that. I sure hope you are well on the way to recovery Mum and for God’s sake take it easy….

I met a swell chap on leave by the name of Johnny. He is from Saskatchewan and really a swell egg. He doesn’t drink and those fellows are rare over here so we got along swell. We never did get out of Edinburgh, but guess it can’t be helped. I never did so much travelling before; we saw everything that was to be seen. It is forbidden to walk across the Forth Bridge but we talked the officials into giving us a pass so we went across. It is a mile and one quarter long and sure is high. We were also through Holyrood Palace where the King stays in Scotland and a dozen other places. I really enjoyed it a lot.

I got back and there were letters from everyone…. It was swell getting so many again.  The two parcels you sent arrived; Dad’s chocolates came at last, a parcel from the Red Cross and Grampa Frasers’s cigs.

I got Scotch hankies at a place where no coupons are required. They are plaid and have a fringe of lace and I think you will like them. Of course Johnny and I had to do a lot of talking and pay a little extra, but it was worth it….

There were some changes made since I left. I came back to find I am clerk of A Coy all by myself. I don’t know if I can handle it, but believe me I am going to try hard. They may have a course and if so I will take it. I also have two more days leave coming to me and I nearly fell over when the Major told me. We bought more bonds than anyone else so get two days leave. I am thinking of putting it with a weekend at New Year’s and going to Scotland if I can.

There are rumours that we may be going to Scotland for seven weeks training. I can’t say how much truth there is in it but it may be right. It will be combined operations and the last training before the big push if it comes off.

Yes Dad, your airgraph arrived just before I went on leave and it was sure swell. Keep on sending them when you can, please. Whatever made you think you were a poor Dad, I think you are the best in the world and I am right. How are you doing in school Jack? Keep up the good work and make lots of high marks.… Keep the letters coming Sis, they are swell. By the way Dad, I saw an advertisement you put in the newspaper. You better not do it again. What is wrong with the house in Hopewell? You just stay where you are Dad.

The news is sure great lately. It looks like we will have next Christmas all together and I sure hope so. The boys are betting it will be over in six months or less and I sure hope they will win their bets. I spent about six hours in London and saw the Dance Hall that was bombed. It sure was a mess.…

Hope you are all better by now, Mum and take care of yourself, don’t forget. Write often and hope to see you all soon. The best in the world to the best family a fellow ever had.

Lots of Love to All,



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