A Canadian Publication


Letters From Bill – June 6, 1944

Dear Mum, Dad, Sis and Commando Jack

It was great news yesterday when we got word that Rome was ours, but that was put in the background with the news of the invasion [of Normandy] this morning. I guess it is all out now and I don’t think it will be long before we have cleaned up on them for good. June 6th was D-Day, it was waited for a long time, but now it’s here. We haven’t heard very much, just that it has started. Maybe it won’t be too long until it’s all over.

Four years today the British left France and now they are back with more and this time they won’t be leaving. Hitler is going to have his hands full and we won’t let him have a chance to empty them until this is over. Well Sis you seem to be in a jolly frame of mind in your last letter, I thought you weren’t in love. After that last letter don’t say anything to me about not being in love. However, I can’t say I blame you at all, two and one half years is a long time to wait to see someone. I haven’t been away that long, but if I knew I was going to see a certain person my letter would be rather disjointed too. All fooling aside Sis, I am glad Bill is getting to Halifax and I hope you have lots of fun. Make the most of it Sis….

Gee Dad it was a swell treat to get your letter…. Glad to hear you had such good fishing on your trip; you fellows really scored that time. Sure wish I could go out on a trip with you but maybe this time next year I will be able too. Bruce and I had a good talk about you and his dad working together. They live on Bruce Ave. in Trenton now. It sure seems funny that we had to meet over here. We are in the same tent and really have a lot of fun. Right now he is doing his best to press our uniforms with a mess tin full of sand. It is a pretty crude way to press clothes but it does help to make them look some better.

When I get back Dad, I am going to take a good month holidays, if it is OK with you. I just want to do the things I used to think were nuisances, such as mowing the lawn, water the flowers, etc. It is the little things a fellow misses when he gets away. Then you and I have to have a long talk on what I am going to do after this is over. Somehow I don’t think fitting will be such a very good trade unless they continue on with a lot of the factories they have now. I want some good advice and you can give me as good as anyone. One thing Dad I am not afraid of good hard work so I should get something even if it is not a good job. I hope all these postwar plans work out. If they do we should all have good jobs.

Guess I’ve learned quite a lot since I got in the army—a lot of it helpful and some no good to anyone. I’ve met a lot of fellows good and very bad but it isn’t too bad since the majority are very good guys. Guess I will be in a company and not headquarters, but it is all the same; none much better than the other. But don’t worry folks, Bill takes good care of himself and I have no intentions of sticking out my neck. Maybe I won’t be lucky. but we won’t think about that.

You will just about have finished your fishing Jack. Things will be pretty dull then, eh? I guess you did alright for yourself so far. Are you playing any ball, try to get as much in as you can. If you don’t I will be better than you when I get home. Pretty soon you will be starting your summer holidays and I bet you are not sorry. How are you going to do in school this year? You better come in at the head of your class or I will take you in hand. What grade is Carole in or have you found a new girlfriend? By the way, I haven’t had a letter from you in some time so how about sparing a few minutes and writing your big brother?

I saw my first show since quite some time the other night and it was a real treat. We have been very busy and when the day is done I just fall into bed and go to sleep. However, I did go to one at the “Y” the other night and really enjoyed it. It was Reveille with Beverly with lots of swing music and singing. The wonderful Frank Sinatra was in it too but I am darned if I can see what all the girls go mad for when he sings. I don’t think he is so very good looking and his singing is nothing to rave about. How about telling me what he has that makes you girls go mad over him Sis?

Wherever I am, I am always thinking about you all. All the best to the best family a fellow ever had.

Lots of Love to Everyone, Bill.


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