A Canadian Publication


Letters From Bill – June 22, 1943.

Dear Mum, Dad and Jack:

…Well folks I guess this is what a fellow can really call the Army, boy they sure don’t spare the horses over here. The training I got in Canada was fun compared to this. We really go all day and there isn’t much time for breaks. We do get the occasional cigarette for the day but have to go easy on them because mine are getting scarce. Above all Mum send some eats over, right now we don’t get as much as before and I am plenty hungry all the time. You see we are fed on a ration and when your ration is through there just isn’t any more. Since moving I haven’t been filled up yet and there isn’t any place to buy extra bits….

….I haven’t had any white bread since I left Canada Mum, what we get is something like that porridge bread Bens make. It is not quite brown and not quite white. It sure seems funny not to have white bread. I didn’t have any more milk since that feed of milk and rhubarb I was telling you about. I sure miss that. You can also send some of that chicken paste you used to put in my sandwiches if you will please. Anything else you think of just send it along, guess I can’t ask for a chocolate cake and lemon pie now. If you ever have a chicken eat the extra for me. I forget what they look like.

Well folks, my watch finally went on the blink, it used to start and stop but now it has stopped for good so am going to send it home the first chance I get. You can get it fixed and pay for it out of my big salary if you will. You know that lighter Grampa Fraser gave me well it also went on the bum. It broke the other day so I thought I would ask if you would try to get one for me. It is hard to get matches over here and I need one so if you can get me one please.

I seem to be asking for an awful lot of things folks but honestly I wouldn’t if I could possibly get them here. If you can’t do it just let me know and that will be the end of it….

I suppose by this time Jack is all through his exams, hope you came where I told you to Jack. How is the ball coming? I can’t play much now because I haven’t got time but you play as much as you can. Is Bette (Bill’s sister) writing any letters?  If she isn’t tell her to get busy and grab her pen.  By the way Mum, when you get my ring fixed send it along please. I would like to have it to wear as a keepsake. How are the grandparents?  Hope they are all fine and give them my best regards.

We live just like Robin Hood did, in tents and in the woods. The birds and squirrels come right into the tents and we don’t seem to put them out a bit. The boys call each other Hiawatha, Big Eagle, etc. and among ourselves our officer is the chief. We are in what they call “the field” but we live in the woods. So far I haven’t heard from Keith to know what he is doing but I wrote him a letter. I sure miss him now.

Well Mum, it is just a month today since I came to this country and believe me it seems like six months. So help me it seems a long time ago but guess it isn’t. They said it was O.K. to tell you that now but no doubt you knew by the radio and papers when we landed. I may be able to get a leave in six weeks time but I am not sure. I have no idea where I will go but am going to see Red and some of the others if I can. I would like to go to Scotland but the pay isn’t so much and that is where the rub comes in. So far I have only been out a couple of times for a walk but haven’t seen anything, at night we are too tired to bother going anywhere so just have to wait for leave.…

Well folks, give my best to everyone and please send the eats, cigs, and gum whenever possible. Thanks millions. I will write whenever possible and the best of everything to you all.

Lots of Love,

Pte. Bill

Airmail received July 2, 1943.


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