A Canadian Publication


Letters From Bill – June 19, 1943.

Dear Mum, Dad and Jack:

Here I am again, a little late but better late than never as they say. As you no doubt know I was writing every other night but I was so darn busy the last three days it wasn’t funny…. One thing about these is that the stamps are just as hard to get as the forms so don’t be surprised if it is written one day and not mailed until the next….  After this I will buy as many [stamps] as I can, or as many as this Army pay permits is more like it.…

Well folks…I have been moved and am now in what they call “the field.” They said it was O.K. to say that so guess I won’t be court-martialled. We sleep in tents, eat in tents, have a shave in a tent and I am writing this in the tent. It is just like at the shore but just a little bit worse in a way. I am now in the Essex Scottish Regiment of Canada but guess I told you that in my last letter….

It made me mad to move just as the mail was catching up but there was nothing I could do….

We have a pipe band and it is swell. That is one thing I like about these Scottish Regts. I sure like them. They want pipers and if they ever come around and ask for them I am going to learn to play…. We are allowed to wear kilts if we have them but I haven’t. The band all wear them and they look real smart. What do you think of me being a piper? Guess Dad would like it but since you are Irish Mum you may have your doubts. I remember I asked you about a flash for my cap badge but never mind, I have one…. I would like to get one of my Regt. badges with the plaid for you…but guess I can’t do it. However, I will look around and see if there isn’t a couple for sale. I also have some R.C.O.C. (Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps) badges, flashes for my shoulder and a lanyard I want to send home. I will send them sometime, don’t know if they will get there or not….

Well folks, guess it is about time to quit but will write when the chance comes but they may be few now.… The best of everything to you all, hope everything is fine.

Lots of love,


Airmail received July 7, 1943.


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