A Canadian Publication


Letters From Bill – July 9, 1944, Somewhere in France

Dear Mum, Dad, Sis and Jack the Commando,

I’m having a few minutes to myself now so took advantage of it to drop a few lines to you and let you know how I am. Everything is as well as can be expected and I am doing fine besides having my share of the excitement…. Right now I am in my home which consists of a slit trench and a groundsheet for a roof, but at least it is warm and dry which are the main things to me. I was thinking of having the plumber come around tomorrow and put hot and cold water in but it might be a bit expensive and what I need the most is new flooring.

Did I tell you I was in for a swim in the English Channel on this side? Just a little something I can remember and brag about to my grandchildren. I have been keeping my eyes open for a souvenir to send you folks which is small enough to put in an envelope but so far have had no success. Maybe I will be lucky enough to bring back Hitler’s moustache only it is something I wouldn’t want around the house. Even the rats would leave then. There isn’t much to talk about so this will probably be the usually dry letter, but I am sure you folks understand. Our meals have been very good so far, of course nothing like at home…. We get quite a lot of chocolate which helps a lot. However, it is English chocolate and not near as good as the Canadian but then there is nothing as good as the poorest thing turned out in Canada. At least that is what we Canadians like to think.

How is Bette doing now. I bet she is still going around in a daze. How about writing me a letter and giving me the lowdown on how it feels to be in love Sis. Whatever you do don’t hold the big affair before I get home. I want to be there for that. Now don’t take what I said to heart Sis, I guess you know Bill well enough for that, by Bill I mean myself. All fooling aside Bette, I hope you have a swell time and I know you will have.

It has just started to rain and is coming down pretty heavy…. Away off in the distance I can hear the sound of our bagpipes above the sounds of some other things. They really sound good….

It stays daylight until after eleven o’clock now so we never know just when day starts or stops. Besides that we have lost track of days and dates. I took a guess at this. Now it is just light and dark instead of days and nights.

Well folks, I guess this is about all for this letter and I can’t say when the next will come but it will be whenever I get the chance…. All the best in the world to the best folks, sister and brother ever had.

Will write soon.

Lots of Love to All,



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