A Canadian Publication


Letters From Bill – July 7, 1944, Somewhere in France

Dear Mum, Dad, Sis and Jack the Commando,

You can see by the heading of my letter that I am now in France and this is my third day here. I had a very pleasant trip over just like a pleasure trip wasn’t a bit sick. Some of the fellows were a bit blue but I really enjoyed it guess I should have joined the navy. France is much the same as England, a very pretty country so far, but it is easy to see war has passed through.

My high school French is sure taking a beating, but I do manage to get by on it. If I talk slow and clearly they can understand me and I can catch a few words of theirs. However, I guess I should have put a little extra time on it. I have had an exciting time so far but can’t say anything as you no doubt understand. Please excuse this writing but my position is a very peculiar one. I will tell you about it sometime. The best news so far was from you folks yesterday, my first mail in France the second day here…. It was certainly swell to hear from you folks so please keep them coming.…

Sorry to hear they haven’t had any further word of John West. Please don’t worry about me folks. I will be OK and home before you know it. Just keep the letters coming as fast as possible and I promise to write every chance I get….

See you all soon. All the best to the swellest folks a fellow ever had.

Lots of Love & Kisses.



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