Dear Mum, Dad, Bette and “Commando Jack”:
Here is the letter I promised I would write, but honestly I am at a loss as to what to say. First of all, you had better hold this letter a long way off when you read it because I am going to give you all a good talking to, especially Mum. Today, I received a registered parcel and in it was Mum’s watch and my ring. Mum you shouldn’t have sent your watch to me. If I knew you were going to send it I would not have asked for a watch at all. But now that it is here, thanks a million. I really wanted one. The ring and watch were both O.K. just as Sis packed them. I will take the best of care of it Mum and I hope I can take it back to you just as it came. It was really a swell Christmas present and I guess I have the best folks going.
Jack, your airgraph arrived yesterday. I was sure glad to get it. I thought you had forgotten all about me for awhile. Thanks for the checker board Jack, Jonsey and I had a couple of games last night. When you get this you will probably be on your Christmas holidays so be sure and have a good time. Don’t forget I want you to go skating every chance you get and when I come home I want you to be able to skate circles around me. Do you think Sid will have the rink open this year?
Mrs. MacDonald was telling me you had quite a snow storm the last of Nov. What I would have given to be in it. Wonder of wonders when I went out of the hut this morning there was a skiff of snow on the ground over here and all day it has been spitting off and on. However, it melts as soon as it lands because it has been raining for a month. I wish it would snow for about three days steady and snow us all in. Maybe you think that is crazy but we sure miss it over here.
This may be my last letter for a few days because tomorrow we are going for our trip. We think we will be back two days before Christmas and if all goes well we will. I have no idea what part we will be in but you can bet it will be the coldest spot going….
They say we are going to have chicken for our Christmas dinner but I can imagine just about how much. It will taste just like the chicken flew over the dinner.
Am waiting for a letter from you Mum; I sure hope you are tops again. Thanks for the ring and watch. The best to the best folks a fellow ever had.
Lots of Love,