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Results 51 - 100 of 210976
Last NameRankFirst NameUnitTheatre of OperationsLocationDate DeceasedPublished
ABBOTTGlennSault Ste. MarieMarch 16th, 2000November/December 2001
ABBOTTLloyd K.Merchant NavyWorld War IISurreyJune 9th, 2000November/December 2000
ABBOTTChief Petty OfficerVictor J.World War IIGrand BendSeptember 11th, 1995January 1996
ABBOTTSapperErnest J.World War ISault Ste. MarieNovember 2nd, 1995February 1996
ABBOTTRobert W.World War IIWoodstockOctober 31st, 1995February 1996
ABBOTTCorporalDonald J.2nd Battalion Royal Canadian RegimentOromoctoMarch 20th, 1996August 1996
ABBOTTVictorMerchant NavyWorld War IINewfoundland and Labrador, CanadaFebruary 6th, 2007November/December 2008
ABBOTTAircraftman 1st ClassHarry JamesRoyal Canadian Air ForceWorld War IIVerdunJuly 15th, 1987November 1987
ABBOTTSapperEdward J.Royal Canadian EngineersWorld War IIAlberta, CanadaFebruary 27th, 2009September/October 2009
ABBOTTGunnerFrank R.Royal ArtilleryWorld War IIBritish Columbia, CanadaFebruary 12th, 2009September/October 2009
ABBOTTCaptainIrwin GeorgeRoyal ArtilleryWorld War IITorontoNovember 6th, 1986February 1987
ABBOTTNorman L.World War IISpryfieldApril 16th, 2007March/April 2008
ABBOTTPrivateDennis T.Canadian ArmyWorld War IIWindsorApril 30th, 1988September 1988
ABBOTTFredWorld War IIEstonSeptember 2nd, 1986December 1986/January 1987
ABBOTTPrivateSamuelRoyal Newfoundland RegimentWorld War INewfoundland and Labrador, CanadaFebruary 6th, 1987June 1987
ABBOTTPeterRoyal Canadian Naval Volunteer ReserveWorld War IIWinnipegDecember 14th, 1985April 1986
ABBOTTSergeant MajorJackLight Anti-Aircraft BatteryWorld War II1986July/August 1987
ABBOTTRoy P.Royal Canadian Army Medical CorpsWorld War IITrentonOctober 20th, 1985February 1986
ABBOTTAble SeamanTheoRoyal NavyWorld War IINewfoundland and Labrador, CanadaJanuary 9th, 1993May 1993
ABBOTTSapperHughRoyal Canadian EngineersWorld War II, Korean WarAmherstburgOctober 16th, 1993December 1993/January 1994
ABBOTTAble SeamanRoyRoyal NavyWorld War IINewfoundland and Labrador, CanadaApril 4th, 1992December 1992/January 1993
ABBOTTDavid A.Merchant NavyWainwrightFebruary 18th, 2004September/October 2004
ABBOTTCharles W.Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer ReserveWorld War IIFergusJanuary 4th, 1995April 1995
ABBOTTPrivateFrederickRoyal Newfoundland RegimentWorld War INewfoundland and Labrador, CanadaMay 16th, 1995October 1995
ABBOTTPrivateHugh3rd Anti-Tank RegimentWorld War IIMillbrookMay 3rd, 1994September 1994
ABBOTTSergeantJohnRoyal Canadian Air ForceWorld War IISarniaMay 16th, 1994September 1994
ABBOTTArthurRoyal Canadian Army Service CorpsWorld War IIVernonJune 25th, 1990October 1990
ABBOTTLieutenant-ColonelRonald S.Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, Canadian ArmyWorld War IINorth VancouverOctober 30th, 1991February 1992
ABBOTTWarrant Officer 1st ClassRobert G.Royal Canadian Air ForceWorld War IIBellevilleDecember 20th, 1989June 1990
ABBOTTLieutenantPhilipRoyal Naval Volunteer ReserveWorld War IICranbrookJanuary 30th, 2019November 2019
ABBOTTMaster Warrant OfficerArthur W.StratfordJanuary 2nd, 2020November 2020
ABBOTTPhillipRoyal Canadian Army Medical CorpsWorld War IINewburyNovember 16th, 2012March/April 2013
ABBOTTJohn F.Royal Canadian Air ForceClementsportJanuary 16th, 2016November 2016
ABBOTTMaster Warrant OfficerRobert L.Royal Canadian Air ForceRichmondFebruary 1st, 2016November 2016
ABBOTTAble SeamanJohn O.Royal Canadian NavySaint JohnDecember 4th, 2015November 2016
ABBOTTPrivateJamesRoyal Newfoundland RegimentWorld War IDeer LakeOctober 6th, 1982May 1983
ABBOTTCorporalRussel GeorgeRoyal Canadian Air ForceWorld War IIWaterlooJanuary 31st, 1983May 1983
ABBOTTSignalmanThomasRoyal Canadian Naval Volunteer ReserveWorld War II, TorontoDecember 14th, 1982May 1983
ABBOTTOscar S.Royal Air ForceWorld War IICorner BrookDecember 2nd, 2017November 2018
ABBOTTChief Petty Officer 2nd ClassDuke C.NavyLower SackvilleNovember 14th, 2014May/June 2015
ABBOTTJohn M.Royal Canadian Air ForceWorld War IINorth BattlefordMarch 23rd, 2017November 2017
ABBOTTCaptainRichard D.OttawaAugust 27th, 1996March/April 1997
ABBOTTCaptainThomasArgyll and Sutherland Highlanders of CanadaWorld War IIOshawaJanuary 23rd, 1996May 1996
ABBOTTEdwin59th Heavy Regiment Royal Artillery (Newfoundland)World War IINewfoundland and Labrador, CanadaFebruary 7th, 1996June/July 1996
ABBOTTFiremanWinstonMerchant NavyWorld War IINewfoundland and Labrador, CanadaFebruary 28th, 1996June/July 1996
ABBOTTLeading AircraftmanDennis A.Royal Canadian Air ForceFort FrancesJune 24th, 1996October 1996
ABBOTTLeading AircraftmanWilliam E.Royal Canadian Air ForceWorld War IINepeanJune 21st, 1998March/April 1999
ABBOTTPrivateKenneth W.Canadian ArmyStouffvilleApril 10th, 1997September/October 1997
ABBOTTPrivateLouis E.West Nova Scotia RegimentWorld War IISaint JohnJanuary 27th, 1997September/October 1997
ABBOTTRobert P.Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer ReserveWorld War IIParksvilleOctober 3rd, 1996March/April 1997
Results 51 - 100 of 210976

Since 1928, Legion Magazine has honoured those Canadians who have served their country by publishing in print short death notices for Royal Canadian Legion members with military backgrounds, Canadian veterans and Legion members with police service. With the advent of the Internet, we have created as a historical archive for your free use a Last Post database that goes back to 1982. It currently contains over 300,000 names but this number will rise as further entries are published in print and updated with the newest entries throughout the year. We will gradually go back further in time as our resources permit.

All Canadian veterans are eligible for inclusion in the Last Post. Last Post is published as a free service in recognition of those who served their country and to allow readers to learn of the passing of comrades with whom they have served. The database, found at, is reserved for these groups: 1) Canadian citizens and Commonwealth subjects who were ordinary members of The Royal Canadian Legion at the time of death; 2) life members who were previously ordinary members; 3) Canadian veterans who were not Legion members at the time of death.

The database has historical value and can be searched by name, date of death, unit or period of service.

Forms for filling in the information are available at Legion branches. Those submitting notices are urged to be thorough and accurate. Type or print to ensure legibility. Submit notices promptly to ensure timely publication.

As long as the date of death is within the time period of entries on the website (1982 to present), the notice will be added to the database and appear in the printed edition. Notices within a year of the date of death can be submitted by family members, but entries that are more than a year old must come from a Royal Canadian Legion branch.

Reproduction or re-creation of the Legion Magazine Site Last Post database, in whole or in part in any form or media, is strictly forbidden and is a violation of copyright, which resides with Canvet Publications Ltd., the magazine’s publisher.

Legion Magazine owes a special thank you to our volunteers Heather Meikle, Terry Prill and Robyn Zettler who are helping us process entries for this database.