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Canadian Military History Trivia Challenge

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Canadian Military History Trivia Challenge

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Humour Hunt


Arthur Haylock of Melville, Sask., sends us an air force story:

We were making a low-level attack on a German convoy in the Mediterranean when our Wellington was hit and we made for the nearest emergency landing strip on the Libyan coast. One of our engines was on fire as we approached the runway, where the only equipment was an Aldis lamp held by a man who flashed red to land and green to take off.

The pilot told us to get out of the plane as fast as possible after touchdown. Our RAF wireless operator-air gunner, Sgt. Martindale, went out through the astrodome, landed on the wing as the plane braked to a stop, jumped off and went streaking down the runway. I was right behind him, but he easily outdistanced me.

All the crew got out safely. When we complimented Martindale on his terrific burst of speed, he told us: “When I passed the man with the Aldis lamp, he flashed me a green.”




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