A Canadian Publication


Find-Share-Discuss: September/October 2014


Life After Dieppe

Don Honeychurch of Calgary shares a photo that appears on his father’s wartime photo album. Don suspects the photo was taken in Holland.


Wilfred Honeychurch (second row, 5th from left) started out as a bandsman with the South Saskatchewan Regiment. “He ended up going to Dieppe in August 1942 as a stretcher bearer,” explains Don. “Luckily he landed at Pourville where the survival rate seemed a little higher! After Dieppe they wanted to send my dad to lieutenant training, but he thought he would rather be a live bandsman than a dead lieutenant, so he transferred to the Royal Canadian Engineers Band.”

We thank Don Honeychurch for sharing this photo and encourage others with wartime or peacetime photos to do the same. Please mail them to Find-Share-Discuss c/o Legion Magazine, 86 Aird Place, Kanata, ON, Canada, K2L 0A1 (photos will not be returned) or by email (large file JPEG) to magazine@legion.ca. Please include your daytime phone number and mailing address along with a description of the photo, its date and location and the identity of the people (first names and last). Have questions? Call us at 1-613-591-0116.


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