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Canadian Military History Trivia Challenge

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Find-Share-Discuss: September/October 2013

Posing in England…

Diane Peterson of Spruce Grove, Alta., shares a photo of her father taken during the Second World War in England.


Diane explains that a photographer from a major United States motion picture studio met her father, Frank Demskie, during the war and asked to take his picture. She noted that the photographer gave her dad a business card and then told him to call once he returned home after the war. Diane said her father never did make that call to Hollywood. She said he returned home, got married and raised a family. “Before dad passed at the age of 94 he had five children, 17 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. Sometimes I wonder what direction my dad’s life would have taken if he had called the movie studio.”

We thank Diane Peterson for her contribution to Find-Share-Discuss, and invite other readers to share similar memories of wartime or peacetime service.


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