

War of 1812 commemorations continue

The commemoration period for the War of 1812 is not over, despite uninformed media reports to the contrary. An offshoot of the Napoleonic wars, The

Canada and the Holocaust

Many young Canadians may be unaware Canada has any connection to the Holocaust, the Nazi extermination program that claimed six million Jewish people and millions

New home planned for HMCS Sackville

The federal government  has given $240,000 to the Canadian Naval Memorial Trust,  which plans a new $90 million memorial project  for Halifax Harbour where HMCS

Soldiers’ hockey

Recent re-creations in Ottawa and Korea of a championship hockey game held during the Korean War got me thinking about the importance of hockey in

A penny for your thoughts

It may only have been a penny, but it made me feel rich, that ‘copper’ as Granddad called it, clutched in my pudgy little fist. 

Celebrating Champlain

On an expedition to find the northern sea more than 400 years ago, explorer Samuel de Champlain reaches the site of the modern city of

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