
second world war

The mobilization men

Known derisively as zombies, thousands of Canadian men were conscripted—originally for home defence—under the WW II National Resources Mobilization Act. Late in the war, many were forced to the front lines.

King of necessary

Looking back on Prime Minister Mackenzie King as Canada’s wartime leader.

Professor Healy and the partisans

Canadian Captain Dennis Healy, a peacetime university prof, played a pivotal role alongside locals in the liberation of the Italian city of Ravenna

Bombs away

The wild story of Japanese balloon bombs floated over North America

In service, together

An exclusive excerpt from The Good Allies: How Canada and the United States Fought Together to Defeat Fascism During the Second World War

Special operations

How Douglas Jung went from a man with no country to Second World War intelligence service and a postwar citizen of firsts

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