
June 5, 2015

Microscopic medical robots offer hope

Headache? Take a couple of aspirin. Knees sore in the morning? Ditto. Pollen or dust stuffing up your nose? Pop an antihistamine. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar? Your doc will pull out the prescription pad.

Serving You: May/June 2015

At The Royal Canadian Legion’s 45th Dominion Convention in 2014, a resolution was passed that allows a branch or district, with prior approval from its provincial command, to use poppy funds to cover costs associated with service dogs for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The amount is not to exceed 25 per cent of the total available in the poppy fund on Sept. 30 of the year preceding the expenditure.

B.C. team sweeps to victory

“The teams were evenly matched. It could be any team winning any game,” said skip Andrew Hay of the Saskatchewan team.

No further deficit budgeting, DEC decides

Finances and membership were the focus of the Dominion Executive Council meeting Feb. 20-22 at Legion House in Ottawa. The 2015 budget underwent extensive revision, following

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