A Canadian Publication


November 1, 2012

Riding On: Afghanistan Veterans Cycle The Battlefields Of Northwest Europe

For Canadian soldiers back home from combat in Afghanistan and suffering from operational stress injuries, adjusting to the civilian world can be more than difficult. This group of veterans sought respite by banding together and going on a bike journey across Europe’s battlefields.

On This Date: November 2012

NOVEMBER 1, 1949: No. 2 (M) Operational Training Unit is formed at Greenwood, N.S., with Lancaster aircraft.

NOVEMBER 2, 1936: English-language CBC radio goes on air nationwide for the first time.

NOVEMBER 3, 2004: George W. Bush celebrates after winning the Nov. 2 U.S. presidential election.

12 Military Events That Shaped Canada

Everyone likes lists. Everyone makes lists. They are always self-selected, incomplete, and eminently arguable, but they sometimes can focus our minds on significant points that otherwise might escape notice.

This listing of 12 military events and issues does not concentrate on significant battles, though some are included. It does not look at great leaders, although a few will be noted. Instead, what it does is to pick out a dozen key occurrences that had long-term military ramifications and that helped shape Canada and the Canadian military in the years after Confederation.

Readers will disagree with a few of my choices, I know, and some will object strenuously that one event or another has been omitted. Where is the Battle of Vimy Ridge? How could Ortona be left out? And why is the list so heavily weighted to the Army? Good questions all, some of which will be answered in our list.

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