
March 2010

For Beer And Country

From his trench barrack on the front line at Avion near Vimy Ridge, Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert Molson ripped a piece of paper from his notebook and began writing his eldest son. “When this war is finished, when the battle has been won,” he resolutely stated on July 25, 1917, “I will return to Canada to fight an enemy which is as tyrannical as the Kaiser.” Herbert Molson would not be alone, however, in his fight against his Canadian enemy—the prohibitionists. As they had in the trenches during the First World War, his brothers in arms would stand beside him. Together, they proved a potent force.

Readers’ Quiz: The Answers

a. The violence that accompanied the partition of India and the establishment of the independent states of India and Pakistan during the period 1947-49 led

The Bugs In Your Gut

Like most people, Carrie, a former border customs officer in Vancouver, never thought much about the trillions of microscopic creatures inhabiting her body—until internal germ

2009: The Year in Review

Royal Visit Headlined Year A little after 11 a.m. on November 11, 2009, His Royal Highness, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, placed a wreath

Italian Remembrance

For 65 years his body lay in the Moro River Canadian War Cemetery near Ortona, Italy, beneath a grave marked “Known unto God.” Ortona and

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