
November 1, 2000

A Bridge With Two Tragedies

The twisted remains of the 1907 Quebec Bridge collapse. Spanning the St. Lawrence River near Quebec City, the massive Quebec Bridge has a history of

Beirut Days

by William M. Koch The author poses for a photo during a 1984 visit to the dividing line separating Christian East Beirut and Muslim West

The Case Of The Missing Canoe

by Andrew F. Maksymchuk   In 1967, with just three years of police work behind me, I was given the unenviable task of being in

The Stringer’s Story

by Douglas How   One Saturday in 1941 I was on weekend duty with the Halifax bureau of The Canadian Press when an unusual teletype

The Tidal Bore

The leading edge of the tidal bore arrives in Moncton, N.B. The first time I saw it I was standing on a promenade overlooking the

A.Y. Jackson

A.Y. Jackson loved the wild beauty of Canada and he painted it as only a Canadian could. As one of the founding members of the

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