NEW! Canadian Military History Trivia Challenge

Canadian Military History Trivia Challenge

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Canadian Military History Trivia Challenge

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These Are The Results For The Week Of May 7 – May 13

German forces surrender to General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander.

Victory-in-Europe Day. While millions celebrate, Allied leaders focus on the war in the Pacific.

Major-General F.D. Middleton’s column reaches Batoche, Sask., and engages in a four-day battle with Louis Riel’s forces, culminating in a successful assault on the rebel stronghold.

West Germany joins the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Winston Churchill becomes British prime minister.

Canadian-born Lord Beaverbrook to minister aircraft production.

Allied forces launch new offensive on the Gustav Line in Italy.

440 Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force moves from Bagotville, Que., to Zweibrucken, West Germany. The squadron, which is equipped with the CF-100, serves with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as part of 3 Wing.

The Allied offensive to breach the Gustav Line anchored on Monte Cassino, Italy, begins with an assault across the Rapido-Gari River.

Canada and the United States sign the North American Air Defence Agreement. The signing comes at a time when the threat of Soviet bombers transiting the Arctic to attack North America is seen as a real possibility. Over the next three decades, early warning lines, radar stations, air bases and missile sites are constructed to defend against any possible Soviet attack.

United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs legislation authorizing U.S. participation with Canada to build the St. Lawrence Seaway.


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