
Financial Help Available

Do you need financial assistance? Do you know where to go for help? Any veteran or veteran’s dependant in need of financial assistance is eligible to apply for financial aid from the Poppy Trust Fund. Grants are available for food, fuel, clothing, prescription medication, medical appliances or equipment, essential home repairs and emergency shelter or assistance. You can apply for financial assistance from The Royal Canadian Legion at your local branch, the provincial command or through Dominion Command. Veterans should first submit their application to their local branch; however, where the amount of funding needed by the veteran is significant, requiring several funding partners, or when the local branch level has expended all of its poppy trust funds, the application should be submitted to the provincial command and, if necessary, to Dominion Command.

Do you need financial assistance?
Do you know where to go for help?

Any veteran or veteran’s dependant in need of financial assistance is eligible to apply for financial aid from the Poppy Trust Fund. Grants are available for food, fuel, clothing, prescription medication, medical appliances or equipment, essential home repairs and emergency shelter or assistance.
You can apply for financial assistance from The Royal Canadian Legion at your local branch, the provincial command or through Dominion Command. Veterans should first submit their application to their local branch; however, where the amount of funding needed by the veteran is significant, requiring several funding partners, or when the local branch level has expended all of its poppy trust funds, the application should be submitted to the provincial command and, if necessary, to Dominion Command.
In addition to the Poppy Trust Fund, the following funds may be of assistance:
•    The Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund (RCNBF) can provide assistance to ex-servicemen and women who served in the navy.
•    The Canadian Forces Personnel Assistance Fund (CFPAF) provides financial assistance to serving and former CF members and their families.
•    The CFPAF Minor Disbursement Program provides grants up to $200 to relieve temporary distress and to promote the well-being of former and serving members of the CF regular force and their dependants. Grants are available on a one-time lifetime basis.
•    The CFPAF Education Assistance Loan Program provides financial assistance to members, former members and recognized dependants of regular force members for the purpose of obtaining a post-secondary education.
•    The CFPAF Financial Distress Program offers grants up to $5,000 and loans up to $25,000 available to former and currently serving regular force members and reserve force members.
•    The Military Families Fund provides financial assistance to former and serving military members and their families who may find themselves in unforeseen situations resulting from conditions of military service.
•    Financial assistance may be available for ex-British service personnel and their dependants from service trust funds through the Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League (RCEL). The funds are generally reserved for veterans and their dependants in need, who suffer misfortune, encounter an emergency or are seriously disadvantaged. If the veteran or dependant is having difficulty making ends meet on an ongoing basis they may also be considered for an annuity.

If you would like more information on financial assistance or any of the above mentioned funds, please call 613-591-3335 or toll-free at 1-877-534-4666 to speak with a service officer or e-mail us at: or visit our website at:

We care for veterans of all ages and their families.


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