1 JUNE 1919
Ten thousand returning veterans march in support of the 30,000 workers of the Winnipeg General Strike.
2 JUNE 1953
Queen Elizabeth II is crowned.
3 JUNE 1944
RCAF Canso pilot Flt. Lt. R.E. McBride sinks U-477 with four depth charges.
4 JUNE 1940
The evacuation from Dunkirk is completed; Canada has lost six men.
5 JUNE 1884
Moved by pleas to return to bargaining for rights of Métis and white settlers, Louis Riel decides to return to Canada.
Allied paratroopers, including about 450 Canadians, parachute from aircraft or land in gliders behind German coastal defences.
7 JUNE 1944
Col. Kurt Meyer orders the execution of Canadian prisoners of war at Abbaye d’Ardenne, France.
Chris Hadfield and Julie Payette are among the new astronauts named by the Canadian Space Agency.
9 JUNE 1944
HMC Ships Haida and Huron help sink two German destroyers in the English Channel.
10 JUNE 1937
Sir Robert Borden, the prime minister who led Canada through the First World War, dies.
11 JUNE 1917
Conscription is introduced by Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden.
12 JUNE 1900
The battle ends between Canadian mounted troops and Boers at Diamond Hill in South Africa.
13 JUNE 1886
Gale winds spread a fire that razes Vancouver in less than 45 minutes.
14 JUNE 1991
Prime Minister Brian Mulroney announces Canada will reduce its forces in Europe; two years later bases in Lahr and Baden-Soellingen close.
15 JUNE 1891
John Abbott is sworn in as Canada’s third prime minister, the first born here.

Postcard of the tents hastily erected to accommodate thousands of troops during the First World War [Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec]
Valcartier Garrison is created in anticipation of the First World War.
17 JUNE 1919
Ten labour leaders are arrested during the Winnipeg General Strike. J.S. Woodsworth, first leader of NDP forerunner the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, is jailed for writing about it.
18 JUNE 1990
Nelson Mandela, vice-president of the African National Congress, addresses Parliament.
19 JUNE 1918
Air ace Billy Bishop downs five enemy aircraft.
20 JUNE 1942
A Japanese submarine shells a lighthouse on Vancouver Island.
21 JUNE 1919
The NWMP charges strikers in Winnipeg, killing two and injuring 27. Federal troops occupy city streets.
HMS Leopard fires on the USS Chesapeake another step towards the War of 1812.
23 JUNE 1941
Germany commits 10 U-boats, the British 13 defending escorts to a sea battle during which six convoy ships and two U-boats are sunk.

Laura Secord warning Lieutenant James Fitzgibbon of an impending American attack, June 1813. [Library and Archives Canada C-011053]
Lieut. James FitzGibbon is lauded a hero for bluffing an American force of 600 into surrendering at the Battle of Beaver Dam.
25 JUNE 1942
RCAF crews participate in the third “thousand plane raid” bombing Bremen, a German port.
26 JUNE 1943
Three RCAF bomber squadrons begin operating in Tunisia.
27 JUNE 1915
The 1st Canadian Division takes over front line trenches at Ploegsteert, Belgium.
28 JUNE 1940
Britain recognizes Charles de Gaulle as leader of the Free French government-in-exile.
29 JUNE 1996
Students at Maple Grove Education Centre in Nova Scotia talk with astronaut Robert Thirsk aboard Space Shuttle Columbia.
30 JUNE 1941
The first Canadian-built Bangor-class minesweeper, HMCS Wasaga, is commissioned.