
Medical Association Turns To The Legion

The Canadian Medical Association wants to hear from Legionnaires about what they expect from their health care system.

It has launched a national dialogue with Canadians on improving health care in Canada. The main goal is to ensure that the system can be sustained in the face of mounting financial and demographic pressure.

“Today governments determine what kind of health care Canadians receive,” said CMA President Dr. Jeff Turnbull. “We’re giving Canadians a chance to let those governments know what they actually want and need.”

The CMA issued the special invitation because of the Legion’s ongoing interest in health issues. “Anyone who works in a hospital as I do knows how helpful Legion branches are in terms of donations and volunteering, so this just seemed to be a natural fit,” said Turnbull.

Initially, participants are being asked to respond to three questions:

• The law underpinning our system—the Canada Health Act—dates back to the 1980s. It covers only doctor and hospital care. Do you think it should be broadened to include things like pharmacare and long-term care?

• It is important for citizens to feel they are receiving good value for their health care. What would you consider good value?

• Patients and their families play an important part in their health care. What do you think Canadians’ responsibilities are, now and in the future, in regards to their health?

Information collected will be combined with responses from town hall meetings into a report that will be used to lobby politicians.

“Our main goal is to produce a more efficient system that is focused on patients,” said Turnbull.

Details on the national dialogue are available at

Service Officers’ Course Provided To Military Partners

On Jan. 11-12, the Dominion Command Service Bureau held a service officers’ course for the Department Casualty Support Management (DCSM), Joint Personnel Support Unit (JPSU) and Integrated Personnel Support Centre (IPSC) service managers from across the country.

IPSCs are the result of a Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada initiative to combine efforts in supporting still serving ill and injured Canadian Forces members and their families in their transition to a civilian life following release from the military.

The two-day course enhanced the Legion’s partnership with DND, provided IPSC service managers with a greater understanding of Legion programs and services, and will assist in coordinating efforts to support veterans, still serving Canadian Forces members and their dependants.

As a few service managers said, “having as much information as possible on all service partners is crucial.”


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