A Canadian Publication


Letters From The Bowes Brothers – July 30, 1916 Bearwood Convalescent Home, Wokingham, England

Dear Brother Fred,

Just a few lines to let you know I received your letter here yesterday and needless to say was very pleased to hear from you. You will see by the address that I am out of the hospital and down here in a very pretty place. I like it fairly well here but would like to get back to the lines again. Believe me, I am fed up on hospital stuff—just six long months of it.

I don’t think I will make the 4th Division and I don’t believe the 4th will go as a unit for where the hell the reinforcements are going to come from beats me. It keeps them busy at present keeping 3rd Division up to strength. My leg is nearly jake now, only I am in very poor condition at present and will need a lot of training before going into action to get hardened up a bit. Jim is still at Bramshott but would not be surprised to hear of him leaving anytime and still again they may be there for some time.

Well Fred, how do you like old Sewell Camp? You want to enjoy yourself there for it will be the best time, believe me. Once you cross the pond it is work to beat hell. Glad to hear Jim has two stripes. Tell him to hurry up and get his third stripe and then he will be jake. I would have had a couple by now only for this damn leg but still things will happen anytime.

Well Fred, I will have to beat it for now. Trusting this finds you all well and enjoying life as it leaves me the same. Remember me to the Boissevain boys. Write soon.

Yours as ever,



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