A Canadian Publication


Letters From The Bowes Brothers – Dec. 4, 1915 Bramshott Camp

Dear Little Evelyn,

I received your beautiful letter the day after I got Mother’s and I sure was glad to hear from you. How are you getting on at school these days? It will be very cold going to school now.

It has rained here every day this week. We were on a route march this morning but it rained all the time we were out, so got very little benefit from it except a wet shirt. The 9th CMR [Canadian Mounted Rifles] arrived here in camp last night all the way from Sewell. They sure must of felt it cold there with the snow on the ground.

Well Evelyn darling, I will have to close for now and beat it to supper. I am in bed at night before you have your supper. I am also sending a piece of poetry which I think is real good.

Will have to say bye-bye for this time, your loving brother,



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