A Canadian Publication


Contribute to Legion Magazine

Legion Magazine enjoys hearing from you. We welcome Letters to the Editor, and submissions to the popular Humour Hunt column. You can also place notices in our Unit Reunions column. Material can be sent to us by e-mail at magazine@legion.ca. Or it may be sent to 86 Aird Place, Kanata, ON K2L 0A1 or faxed to (613) 591-0146.

Writers’ & Photographers Guideline

Revised October 2018

Legion Magazine is published six times a year by Canvet Publications Ltd. for a national readership composed of members of The Royal Canadian Legion and their families, as well as serving members of the Canadian Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the general public. Among paid circulation magazines with national distribution, Legion Magazine has a reader base of 470,382.

Areas of coverage include military history, military and veterans affairs, policing issues, issues of concern to senior citizens, health, recreation, humour and current affairs of interest to a national audience. A large number of personal war-related and peacetime memoirs and diaries are used. Extensive coverage is also given to Legion functions and events, but these are handled by magazine staff or Legion correspondents.

Average article length is between 1,500 and 2,200 words, although stories as short as 600 and as long as 3,000 words are accepted on occasion. The magazine does not accept fiction, poetry, travel writing or simultaneous transmissions.

Manuscript fees for first North American serial rights range from $150 to $1,200, payable after final edit. For the right to post a selected article on the magazine’s Web site, the magazine pays the author 10 per cent of the manuscript fee.

Please note that the magazine often has a large backlog of unsolicited manuscripts, including numerous memoirs. Send a query letter before sending in an article. Persons submitting unsolicited manuscripts should be prepared to wait several months for a decision from the editors, and publication may be up to 20 months after acceptance.

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The Letters section is a forum for your comments on articles that have appeared in the magazine or on issues of general interest to Legion Magazine readers. The editor reserves the right to select and edit letters for length, clarity, accuracy and taste. When writing to us be sure to include first and last name, and the name of your community. Please include a day-time phone number in case we need to contact you. Letters selected for the magazine will also be candidates for the website. In other words, when you submit to the magazine you are also giving us permission to put the material on our website.

Unit Reunions

Unit Reunions supports efforts to maintain bonds of service. It encompasses army, navy, air force, merchant navy, RCMP and cadets. These notices are particularly time sensitive. We strongly recommend you send us the information at least six months before the event so that the notice can be published far enough in advance to allow individuals time to make plans to attend.

To ensure accuracy, you should type the information, or at least print it clearly, using upper and lower case letters to distinguish proper names and acronyms. Avoid handwriting because legibility problems can lead to errors.

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