

Weathering the storm

“Within the Legion, I have witnessed and learned of countless heartfelt initiatives to help our veterans and communities weather this storm.” With those words, Tom

Cutting through the paperwork

Speaking to representatives of veterans’ groups in November, Veterans Ombudsman Craig Dalton admitted his office has had a low profile since his appointment in November

Achievement…and lost potential

As Remembrance Day approaches and we recall and commemorate the sacrifices of those who died while serving, we should also be reminded that one of

Standards for service dogs are overdue

The use of service dogs to help veterans with mental-health issues is stalled with a lack of recognized standards for training both the dogs and

Counting veterans

We know that some 7,000 Canadians served in the South African War, approximately 650,000 Canadians and Newfoundlanders enlisted during the First World War, more than

Fix it and fast

None of this should have happened, and it should have been fixed years ago. Late last year, Veterans Affairs Canada revealed that some veterans received

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