A Canadian Publication


Letters From The Bowes Brothers – June 10, 1916 Bramshott Military Hospital, England

My Dear Mother and Family,

Well the 4th Division is shot all to pieces again as they took drafts out of the battalions in camp. We only lost 100 men but all others lost from 600 to 900 men. Very heavy loses in the 1st and 3rd Divisions were the cause of it. I doubt if the 4th Division is ever formed now but all will be drafted. If they put the 4th Division in the field it will take 100,000 men in England to keep them to full strength. I suppose by now both Jim and Fred will be at Sewell. Well, they want to enjoy it while there for when over here they will have to work and work hard

My insurance falls due on July 1. Kindly draw out the amount and send it. It is $29 and some cents. You will find the policy in my trunk, so you can find out. Now look after this as soon as you receive this letter and don’t let it lapse as they would never renew it for you while I am here. By the time you get this I will have $90 in the bank as I have sent eight months’ pay home and have about $65 coming to me now but will use it on a holiday trip to Scotland as soon as I get out of here. But I want some cash when I get home as I intend to get hooked up shortly after I get back and settle down. I have had my share of rambling.

Bearwood Convalescent Home is about 80 miles from here but I don’t think I will go there as I would [sooner] go back to the [battalion] and take it easy for a month as I go there. Yes, I would be with the rest of the boys then and I am sure lonely for them.

I wish you would send me some Macdonald smoking tobacco also some Old Chum and a few plugs of chewing tobacco. I can’t get it here at any price. I hope you like the photos of the 44th machine gun section. You get three from the Taylors, one for you, one for Elliott and one for Gladys. I wish you would invite Gladys and her mother down for a few days this summer as it would break the monotony for all concerned.

Your loving son,


P.S. Don’t be shocked about me chewing tobacco but we are so long at times that we can’t smoke, that a chew has to do instead.



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