A Canadian Publication


January 11, 2013

Magazine Helps Commemorate A Forgotten War

While paying tribute to Canada’s Korean War veterans, Veterans Affairs Minister Steven Blaney held up a copy of Legion Magazine’s special edition, Korea: The Forgotten War, as an example of what independent publishers can do to commemorate Canada’s role in the war.

On This Date: January 2013

January 1, 1923: The Air Board and the departments of Naval Services, Militia and Defence are amalgamated, creating the Department of National Defence.

January 2, 1940: Pilot Officer S.R. Henderson and Wing Commander J.F. Griffiths, serving with the Royal Air Force, are awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, the first Canadians to be decorated during the Second World War.

The National Ceremony

The stories are written on the faces, but mostly in the knowing expressions of those who “were there.” They are found in the eyes of

Transition Assistance Available

Do you know that the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is now called Canada Company’s Military Employment Transition (MET) program and is now available to all veterans? Last June, in partnership with the Department of National Defence, Canada Company officially launched its Military Employment Transition Program, a national initiative established to help Canadian Forces personnel and veterans find jobs after they have released from military service.

Travelling About: Jan/Feb 2013 Things To Do And See

1. See Stunning Afghan War Photojournalism At The Canadian War Museum

Canadian photojournalist Louie Palu spent an exhaustive and truly dangerous amount of time outside-the-wire in Kandahar to capture the images that make up this exhibit. Go check out the gripping photographs produced by the award-winning Palu, Canada’s leading combat photojournalist.

On This Date: December 2012

DECEMBER 1, 1943: Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin meet in Tehran and express their determination to win the war in Europe.

DECEMBER 2, 1988: A cyclone claims thousands of lives in Bangladesh.

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